Shop socially with Ping on the Flipkart mobile app

Prefer shopping with your friends? Ping, an exciting feature of the Flipkart mobile app, helps you do exactly that. Collaborative shopping rules!
Are you and your friends buying a birthday present for one person in the group? Is the constant exchanging of links that lead to a dead end tiring you out? Are you buying your parents a Diwali gift and want your elder sister to see it before you end up with something totally wrong? Shopping together for a camping trip and need a consensus?
Whatever your reason, it’s natural to want your friends and family in on your purchases before you make them. Flipkart’s fresh, new and inventive app feature called Ping makes the whole process way easier for you!

Ping, in a nutshell, gives you the freedom to chat with your friends and shop socially on one platform. We’ve got three great reasons for you to give it a shot if you aren’t convinced already!

It’s easy 

If you’re a first-time user of Ping, you’ll either see the Ping icon, a blue chat bubble, on the bottom left corner of your app or be prompted to update your Flipkart mobile app and then see the Ping icon. If neither of these happen, simply go about selecting the product of your choice. Once you tap the product you’re considering for a purchase, you’ll be taken to the specific product page that contains its description. Here’s where you’ll see a ‘share’ button on the bottom left. Tap this and you’ll get a pop-up option that gets you started on Ping by verifying your phone number. Yes, it’s that simple. Ping automatically finds your friends and connects to them from your phonebook and also allows you to invite friends from other messaging platforms.

Make better, collaborative buying decisions 

Now all you need to do is tap on your friend’s name and start a one-on-one chat or invite a bunch of friends or family members on a group chat. This will allow you to share your possible buys—be it that t-shirt you think will suit you, those casual weekend jeans you’ve never owned before, that really expensive laptop you want your parents to okay or even those butterfly sunglasses you want your best friend to approve! Simply share products from readily available choices such as your recent browsing history, what’s already on your wishlist, what’s in your cart, a picture from your gallery and even an image using Flipkart’s Image Search feature. Now isn’t that just about picture perfect?

Do two things at once 

While your friends and family contemplate your product link, seeing its picture, description and even its offer details, you can chat with your friends about everything else under the sun. Ping allows you to do one of your favorite things—multitask! Navigating between the rest of the app and the chat is as easy as can be. You and your buds or siblings may not be together but you can certainly chat and shop together!
So what’s your excuse to not Ping?

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